Despre mine

Fotografia mea
Bucuresti, Romania
Sunt un om normal, îmi place să cred. De dorul jurnalului meu cu coperți verzi din piele și foi galbene, neliniate, m-am apucat sa scriu aici. Sper să vă placă. Si dacă nu vă place, eu tot o să scriu. O să scriu pentru mine și pentru sufletul meu...

cum preferati sa va vopsiti peretii in living?

marți, 18 martie 2008

doua garsoniere transformate intr-un apartament

Ma numesc A., sunt din Cluj si am citit in revista Domus, luna martie, sfatul pe care i l-ati acordat unei cititoare, in ceea ce priveste compartimentarea unei garsoniere. Mi-a placut mult propunerea d-voastra si as avea nevoie si eu de sugestia d-voastra.Sunt posesoarea a 2 apartamente alaturate, cu o camera fiecare (imobilul este in curs de constructie si pot face compartimentarea pe care o doresc). As dori sa imi oferiti cateva variante de amenajare a acestor apartamente. Mentionez ca intentionez sa obtin un apartament cu 3 camere, cu o singura usa de acces(deplasarea acesteia cu 1 mp in spatiul prevazut pentru casa scarilor) , prin desfintarea zidului care separa cele 2 apartamente (inclusiv a celor 2 debarale, trebuie pastrat doar un stalp de sustinere).
Ce parere aveti?

Situatie existenta:

Deoarece structura de rezistenta va permite, puteti face orice compartimentare doriti. Niciun perete asupra caruia vom interveni nu este de rezistenta. In ambele variante propuse, am optat pentru separarea spatiilor in functie de perioada din zi in care le folositi. Cele de noapte, dormitoarele, sunt separate prin holul de acces de cele de zi, bucataria si livingul. In prima varianta, bucataria este separata de living pritr-o usa glisanta din sticla, cu deschidere mare. In varianta a doua bucataria comunica direct cu livingul, alcatuid cu acesta un singur spatiu.

Varianta 1:

Varianta 2:

Spar ca una dintre cele doua solutii sa va fie pe plac. In caz ca doriti modificari, va rog sa lasati sugestiile ca si comentariu la acest articol. Va voi raspunde in cel mai scurt timp.

luni, 10 martie 2008

o garsoniera transformata in apartament

In ambele variante am mers pe desfiintarea bucatariei si transformarea ei intr-un loc mic dormitor. Este singurul loc unde se poate amenaja un spatiu inchis cu destinatie de dormitor intrucat dispune de fereastra. In livingul existent, datorita pozitiei ferestrei si dispunerii spatiilor, acest lucru ar fi posbibil numai cu amenajarea unui dormitor fara iluminare naturala. Mutarea spatiului de gatit in interiorul livingului trebuie facuta astfel incat sa nu fie foarte costisitoare modificarea instalatiilor (apa si gaz).

In prima varianta nu se aduce nicio modificare asupra balconului, el ramand separat de living prin usa. In noul dormitor creat se poate amplasa o canapea extensibila, deasupra careia se pot suspenda cateva corpuri de depozitare. In living mobilierul de bucatarie este amplasat pe peretele comun cu baia, iar usa de la dormitor va fi mutata, astfel incat sa lase loc pentru scaunele barului. Chiuveta va fi montata in blatului barului, pentru a lasa mai mult blat de lucru pentru prepararea mancarului

In a doua varianta dormitorul se amenajeaza ca si in prima varianta. Nou in aceasta propunere este desfiintarea usii si ferestrei catre balcon. Balconul va fi inchis cu geam termopan si va fi termoizolat cu polistiren. Blatul buctariei si barul vor fi amplasate pe peretele ce da in balcon, iar scaunele vor sta in balcon. Tot in balcon, de-o parte si de alta pot fi amenajate doua spatii de depozitare. Pe peretele opus balconului poate fi amplasat un dressing de inaltimea camerei, cu usi glisante.

In ambele variante se mai poate amplasa o masuta de cafea in fata canapelei. Spatiile dintre corpuri sunt suficiente pentru deplasarea facila printre ele.

miercuri, 5 martie 2008

Engineering Sidra Trees

Currently under construction, the sidra tree structure at the Education City Convention Center is slated for completion in October 2008.
Photo: Buro Happold
The Education City

Currently under construction, the sidra tree structure at the Education City Convention Center is slated for completion in October 2008.
Photo: Buro Happold

The Education City Convention Center on the outskirts of Doha, Qatar, designed by Arata Isozaki, includes a giant structure resembling two intertwined trees to support the building's exterior canopy. Used in lieu of vertical columns, the 250-meter- (820-foot-) long, doubly curved steel tree structure forms the signature entrance to the convention center, currently under construction.

The ten-square-kilometer (3.9-square-mile) Education City development houses the headquarters of the Qatar Foundation and a number of branch campuses of some of the world's foremost universities.

The convention center depicts not just any kind of tree, but specifically the sidra tree, a multifaceted cultural symbol. This evergreen, also known as the lote tree (Ziziphus spina-christi), is mentioned in the Quran as a symbol of knowledge of the divine. The foundation, which takes the sidra as its logo, cites the tree as a shady haven for scholars, a source for traditional medicines, and a symbol of life in the desert.

Buro Happold, an international engineering firm with regional offices in Dubai and Riyadh, was commissioned to perform the total design and engineering of the sidra tree project for the entrance to the convention center, including the front-end geometry definition, structural engineering, and complete fabrication information.

Isozaki created his sidra tree forms using an optimization program, starting with a virtual block of metal. "Topology optimization" works out what the optimum, or lowest-weight, structure will look like if certain loads are applied to it. As the program iterates, it removes material from places in the model where there is no stress. Through this process, Isozaki arrived at the tree form to support the roof.

But such an exercise does not account for the engineering and fabrication challenges associated with a structure of this size and complexity. The task of the design and build team was therefore to navigate the technical realities in order to realize Isozaki's architectural vision.

Isozaki created his sidra tree forms using an optimization program, starting with a virtual block of metal. "Topology optimization" works out what the optimum, or lowest-weight, structure will look like if certain loads are applied to it. As the program iterates, it removes material from places in the model where there is no stress. Through this process, Isozaki arrived at the tree form to support the roof.

But such an exercise does not account for the engineering and fabrication challenges associated with a structure of this size and complexity. The task of the design and build team was therefore to navigate the technical realities in order to realize Isozaki's architectural vision.

The Trees Grow

The sidra tree structure is currently under construction. The roof has been lifted up and the foundation completed. Underway now is the first level of the trees, a series of massive plate girders or I-beams running in two directions. As the roof is lifted to its final height, about 20 meters (66 feet) above the ground, the tree forms are being built underneath it. The whole tree structure is slated for completion by October 2008.


sâmbătă, 1 martie 2008


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