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Despre mine
- Oti
- Bucuresti, Romania
- Sunt un om normal, îmi place să cred. De dorul jurnalului meu cu coperți verzi din piele și foi galbene, neliniate, m-am apucat sa scriu aici. Sper să vă placă. Si dacă nu vă place, eu tot o să scriu. O să scriu pentru mine și pentru sufletul meu...
cum preferati sa va vopsiti peretii in living?
sâmbătă, 6 aprilie 2013
luni, 13 februarie 2012
Brooklyn Bridge
Architect: John Augustus Roebling
Location: Brooklyn, New York, New York
Date: 1869 to 1883
Building Type: suspension bridge
Construction System: steel cable, stone masonry piers
Style: Gothic piers, functionalist cables and bridge deck

Photo panorama, circa 1900
Length of river span: 1595.5 feet
Total length of bridge: 5989 feet
Width of bridge floor: 85 feet
Suspension cables: four, each 15.75 inches in diameter and 3578.5 feet long, containing 5434 wires each, for a total length of 3515 miles of wire per cable
Foundation depth below high water, Brooklyn: 44 feet 6 inches
Foundation depth below high water, Manhattan: 78 feet 6 inches
Tower height above high water: 276 feet 6 inches
Roadway height above high water: 119 feet (at towers)
Total weight, not including masonry: 14,680 tons
Source: Blue Guide to New York, 1991, p616. ISBN 0393304868.
Photo panorama - vertical, bridge overview looking lengthwise, dated 1896 · Brooklyn Bridge · Brooklyn, New York, New York

sursa foto si info:
Location: Brooklyn, New York, New York
Date: 1869 to 1883
Building Type: suspension bridge
Construction System: steel cable, stone masonry piers
Style: Gothic piers, functionalist cables and bridge deck

Photo panorama, circa 1900
Length of river span: 1595.5 feet
Total length of bridge: 5989 feet
Width of bridge floor: 85 feet
Suspension cables: four, each 15.75 inches in diameter and 3578.5 feet long, containing 5434 wires each, for a total length of 3515 miles of wire per cable
Foundation depth below high water, Brooklyn: 44 feet 6 inches
Foundation depth below high water, Manhattan: 78 feet 6 inches
Tower height above high water: 276 feet 6 inches
Roadway height above high water: 119 feet (at towers)
Total weight, not including masonry: 14,680 tons
Source: Blue Guide to New York, 1991, p616. ISBN 0393304868.

Photo panorama - vertical, bridge overview looking lengthwise, dated 1896 · Brooklyn Bridge · Brooklyn, New York, New York

sursa foto si info:
vineri, 21 octombrie 2011
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